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Check out our most recent stories:
Jazz drummer and vibes player Mitchell Shiner is leading a project called Latkes Con Salsa, a live concert series and album featuring traditional Hannukah tunes with Latin rhythms. (And a little Christmas music at the live concerts too!)
If you're looking for something to keep the kids busy over winter break or a way to fill up a cold winter day, plan a trip to the John Kohler Art Museum and Preserve in Sheboygan.
Gaming expert James Lowder shares his top picks for 2024 games, including two-player, family and role-playing games suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, with his favorite game taking the top spot.
Nick Matuszewski, policy director of the Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort Educational Fund (WAVE), says changes to state and federal laws could reduce homicides involving juveniles, both as victims and perpetrators. The question remains: Will lawmakers take action?
Have you heard the buzz phrase "Mercury's in retrograde" being associated with things going a little wonky? We quiz a Milwaukee astrologer about it.