Next week, people from across a diverse group of disciplines will converge on UW-Milwaukee's Zelazo Center to talk about innovation - but not necessarily in the sense of invention.
Flying Car Milwaukee brings together experts from fields ranging from sports to architecture to the digital universe. It's a project of MiKE - an initiative of the Greater Milwaukee Committee.
Flying Car Milwaukee will hold a three day event from June 25th thru June 27th to help activate the innovation gene in people across disciplines.
The event will bring together minds from all crevices and allow them to listen to success stories from guest speakers, such as Apple, Inc. Co Founder and Chief Scientist for Fusion-io, Steve Wozniak. Attendees will also take part in hands-on labs and get the chance to connect with other future innovators.
"We'd love for them to be able to at least make some connections with people," says Innovation in Milwaukee Executive Director Michael Hostad, "and kind of have that eureka! - that a-ha! moment and walk away feeling inspired."